"When I stand before God at the end of my life, I would hope that I would not have a single bit of talent left, and could say, 'I used everything you gave me.'" ~Erma Bombeck

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Summertime and Leave it to Beaver

The busy days of summer are upon us now, and that means pulling weeds, keeping things well-watered, checking for pests munching on the veggies, teaching the kiddos how to be hard workers outside, and...........keeping up on laundry, sewing repairs (ha!), ironing (double ha!), cooking, cleaning, organizing, de-cluttering, budgeting, bill-paying, swimming, socializing, and the list goes on.  and on.  and on.

What's a mom to do?  It's a delicate dance to keep all these balls juggling, isn't it?  I know I can't!  But I can tell you one thing...Leave it to Beaver has been a true friend.  Every day at lunch time, the girls and I stop what we're doing and gather together in the living room with our lunch and settle down to watch an episode or two.  Sigh.  This is the true joy of motherhood...just BEING with our children.  We are busy bees, and that's a good thing.  But being busy BEING is a great thing!  I love that we have something wholesome to look forward to that we all enjoy, teaches good lessons, and provides a break of stillness in the busyness.  That is one of my best blessings this summer.  I know it's just a TV family, but this year, they've become part of our family.  :)

Gee Whiz...why dontcha find somethin' that'll bring an innocent smile to your face and enjoy BEING STILL with your kids...even if it's just long enough for an episode or so...you won't regret it.  Pinky swear promise. ;)

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