"When I stand before God at the end of my life, I would hope that I would not have a single bit of talent left, and could say, 'I used everything you gave me.'" ~Erma Bombeck


Every mother has her own "Little Rascals"...and I love mine dearly!  Once upon a time, I sat in the car, waiting for my husband to finish a test or something during nursing school, and I began to write this list of advice to share with my daughters when they become moms. Because I'm a mom. And I can't stop myself from momming.

God has planted a garden for each mother. Weeds spring up, but that's to be expected. We're all just "tending our gardens" for the Lord's glory! (a.k.a. "There are no perfect children or mothers, so pluck out the junk and keep rolling").

  1. Give your children a big hug each morning and tell them how much you love them and that you're so happy to see them.
  2. Pack snacks when you run errands
  3. Make up songs with your children's names in them
  4. Naps are important.
  5. But don't let naptime keep you from making memories.
  6. Be silly with your children.
  7. Always discipline in love and control. Give a big hug afterwards.
  8. Day trips are a lot of work but worth it!
  9. Dance in the kitchen
  10. Tickle often
  11. Don't let your kids have dark chocolate before nap or bedtime--they won't sleep!
  12. Rock your kids as often as you can--especially your oldest because the more kids you have, the less time time you have to "just sit" and rock
  13. Let them take toys and books in the car
  14. Don't go to a sitdown restaurant with young kids, unless you're planning on getting yours to go
  15. Don't use "naughty" or "nice"--tell your kids what Jesus wants & let them know. Unkind/kind; selfish/sharing; wrong/sweet attitudes; gentle/rough
  16. Set breakfast bowls/spoons out the night before--especially for Sunday morning.
  17. Do baths, ironing, etc. and early to bed Saturday night
  18. Pick out church clothes Saturday night
  19. Try to do crockpot meals for Sunday after church
  20. Do a load of laundry every day and put it away
  21. Servie fruits/veggies with every meal
  22. Insist on handwashing
  23. Pray all day--ask God for wisdom and guidance in all your decisions.
  24. Make phone calls at naptime or set a timer to keep them brief
  25. A phone call breeds all sorts of problems...use email when possible
  26. Let them jump in puddles sometimes
  27. Be vigilant about strangers and especially when in public. NEVER leave them without your eyes or hands--not even for a second! Predators are always watching your kids...are you?
  28. Sing "Jesus Loves Me" often
  29. Teach them to pray at a very young age--watch their joy as Jesus answers their prayers--it will build your faith and awe you!
  30. Never shame their bodies--large or small!
  31. Don't ever talk about them in front of them in any way but complimentary!
  32. DON'T TOLERATE: Disobedience, Disrespect, or Deceit
  33. Discipline in love
  34. Don't fight in front of your children
  35. Don't take your troubles out on them
  36. Don't let them worry!
  37. Give healthy snacks--you'll see a difference in their moods & stability
  38. Be vigilant about what you let them watch and listen to!
  39. Encourage your children frequently
  40. Take the time to teach and train your children correctly in the beginning...don't just discipline after the problems.
  41. Invite people to watch them perform.
  42. Have lots and lots and lots of books!
  43. Read to them every day, if possible, even when they're older.
  44. Encourage them to look at books often, rather than movies, video games, etc.
  45. Even when they are old enough to give up naptime, insist on quiet time with books every day--for your sake and theirs!
  46. Keep your house free from media noise sometimes...you'll be amazed at their creativity.
  47. Splurge on special clothes for Easter and Christmas
  48. Let them pick their meals/cake for birthdays
  49. Always carry extra diapers & a little cash
  50. Let your kids see you be affectionate with your husband often!
  51. Laugh. A Lot. NOTHING is as serious when you're lying in bed at night regretting yelling at your babies!
  52. Go to bed early enough to that you can wake up before your kids & get a shower and read your Bible before they get up
  53. Get your to-do list ready the night before, so you'll be ready for the new day!
  54. Try to do your errands all on one day to save more time for visiting, playing, and family time
  55. Try to get a babysitter (or leave them home with Daddy) for grocery shopping, so you can think clearly, spend wisely, and have some peace.
  56. Say "I love you" often...several times a day!
  57. Play fun music, not just kid tunes. You'll be surprised how many words they learn, though, so be careful. :)
  58. TLC is the best medicine for illness--especially ear infections!
  59. Bathe them often, and let them play in there for a few minutes.
  60. Don't EVER leave them alone in the tub--not even for a second. Let the machine get the phone or take it with you!
  61. Have an answering machine, not voice mail...that way you can hear who's calling & what they're saying before you interrupt precious family time, or you momentum of home-making.
  62. Get out of the house alone at least once a week.
  63. Try to date your husband at least 1-2 times per month...at-home dates are great, too!
  64. Put on your make up and do your hair before you hubby gets home
  65. Keep your bathroom clean & disinfected--that's a priority. The rest of the house can just survive a quick pick-up if you're short on time.
  66. Keep a laundry basket handy for going room to room, gathering misplaced objects. make another round, putting things away.
  67. Paper plates are worth the money...especially for lunch and for EVERY meal on Sundays!
  68. Paper cups are, too, for parties and get-togethers.
  69. Teach your kids to use a napkin from an early age on.
  70. Teach your children to call people Mr. & Mrs.
  71. Brush & floss teeth daily
  72. Make them pick up their own toys at an early age...help them and teach them
  73. Give them jobs around your home at a young age...they need to be responsible for their messes. While it may take you longer to train them, the rewards are more than worth it.
  74. Have them help fold clothes as soon as they are old enough to fold washcloths (age 2), and graduate them up to their own laundry baskets, folding their own clothes & putting them away.
  75. Let them help you plan and weed and water.
  76. Give each child responsibility over different rooms of the house and show them how to keep each room tidy.
  77. Take walks together
  78. Look at the stars & clouds
  79. Pray before you answer the tough questions....God always gives the right words.
  80. Never lie!!!!!!! Tell your kids the truth if God shows you they can handle it--if an way that they can. If not, tell them that you'll explain when they're older. God will guide you if you ask!
  81. Always be united with your husband in family matters...discuss them beforehand whenever possible...
  82. Help build an attitude of respect for their father as head of the household
  83. Find out what happened before you start correcting and disciplining...2 kids can have very different stories.
  84. Talk about lots of things...you'll be amazed at how much they pick up
  85. The ultimate priority in living is to win your children to Jesus Christ! Our time is short! Ask God to fill your gaps, inadequacies, etc.
  86. Lead your children to Jesus daily, and pray the sinner's prayer with them as early as they are ready....never stop speaking to them of the Gospel message...never!
  87. Make sure you're reading your Bible daily
  88. Read the Bible to your children daily

  • Reverent in the way they live
  • not slanderers
  • not addicted to wine
  • teach when is good
  • love their husbands
  • love their children
  • be self-controlled
  • pure
  • busy at home
  • kind
  • subject to their husbands
WHY? "So that no one will malign the Word of God." ~Titus 2:5b

  • Trusworthy
  • Doesn't deplete resources, but adds to them
  • Brings good, not harm
  • Works with eager hands
  • Provides good food for her family
  • Creative
  • Resourceful

  • Devotions/Bible Reading
  • Prayer
  • Well-balanced meals
  • Prayer
  • Rotating cleaning/tidying list
  • Prayer
  • Adding bits of beauty
  • Prayer


Eve--mother of Cain, Abel, Seth, and many more children; mother of the first murdered [Abel], as well as first murderer [Cain]. Gave birth to Seth, and during his lifetime, people first began to worship the Lord (Genesis 2-4).
Sarah--was childless for many years. When God promised a son, she grew impatient and gave her maidservant Hagar to Abraham instead. Her impatience & distrust of the Lord created problems for her own family and every generation since then! God still fulfilled His promised son to her--Isaac was born, the promise was fulfilled, but the consequences were global and are still lasting today! (Genesis 11-22)
Hagar--a second-place surrogate...Sarah gave her maidservant Hagar to Abraham to "hurry up" the birth of a descendent, but then she was discarded years later after Ishmael was caught making fun of Sarah's long-awaited-for Isaac. Hagar and Ishmael were sent away, but God saw their grief and had compassion on them. He showed Hagar a way to survive and reassured her of His care for her and her child. God was faithful, during a difficult time of rejection. (Genesis 16-21)
Rebekah--This same dear girl who drew water from the well to water Isaac's servants and camels is the same woman who played favorites with her sons. She was married for 20 years to Isaac before the twins were born, then favored Jacob over Esau becuase he was "not the outdoorsy" type, like his brother. Though she displayed virtue in hospitality, she's remembered for playing a con-game against her own husband and oldest son! (Genesis 22-27)
Rachel--"the pretty one"--childless; swapped romantic nights with her hubby out in favor of some mandrake roots (Hebrew: "love plant"-- were supposed to help with conception); Gave birth at last to Joseph (who was sold into slavery) and Benjamin the baby. (Genesis 29-35)
Leah--known as "unloved," but had "pretty eyes". Mother of half of the 12 tribes of Israel, plus Dinah! Even though her marriage was void of love, and she had to trade mandrakes (see Rachel) for intimacy, she was blessed with her children! God saw the suffering Leah endured and he blessed her above her more attractive sister. Leah held a special place because of the sons she had. Her son Levi became the father of the priestly tribe of Israel and his descendants include Moses, Aaron, Elizabeth the mother of John the Baptist, Barnabas and Peter. From the descendants of Judah came King David and Jesus, the Son of God. (Genesis 29-49)
Jochebed--sacrificial mother of Moses, Aaron, and Miriam (Exodus 6, Numbers 26)
Hannah--prayed her heart out (I Samuel 1:10-18). God had mercy on her & granted her heart's desire in her son Samuel. Then gave her son back to the Lord! (I Samuel 1)
Peninnah--had many children, but was known as a mocker and taunter of Hannah for having no children. Made Hannah dread the annual trips to church! (I Samuel 1)
Bathsheba--a real bathing beauty...conceived another man's child out of wedlock, widowed, remarried, then the baby died. Later conceived again...God's promised child to David and the wisest man that ever lived--King Solomon! (2 Samuel 11-I Chron. 3, Psalm 51)
Manoah's wife--unnamed; childless woman who was visited by an angel and became the mother of Samson! Was given careful instructions about pregnancy and care for her son. (Judges 13-16)
Naomi--beloved mother-in-law to Ruth (Ruth)
Ruth--widowed, stayed true to her faith and fled her unbelieving family; "Redeemed" by Boaz--gave birth to Obed-->Jesse-->King David----=>Jesus (Ruth)

Mary--when given her noble calling by message of an angel, replied with Luke 1:38: “'I am the Lord’s servant,' Mary answered. 'May your word to me be fulfilled.' Then the angel left her." Loved, reared, let go, watched from a distance, grieved, buried, rejoiced, then said "goodbye" in a way we'll never understand! (Mt., Mk., Lk., Jn., Acts)
Elizabeth--Mary's cousin conceived in her old(er) age...John the Baptist was his name (Luke 1)
Peter's mother-in-law--Jesus healed her, then she got up right away and served Him! Talk about hospitality! (Matthew 8)
James & John's mother--looked out for her son's interests above what was right...waned her sons to sit at Jesus right and left hands in Heaven!  (Matthew 20)