"When I stand before God at the end of my life, I would hope that I would not have a single bit of talent left, and could say, 'I used everything you gave me.'" ~Erma Bombeck

Wednesday, June 8, 2011


The other day I sat at the kitchen table in the early morning, drinking tea and trying to get through my devotions. I have been more tired lately, and have been struggling with getting up early, but on this day, I had won the battle with my blankets! I sat there, striving to focus on my Bible, while all the nagging thoughts of everything that needed to be done that day swirled around in my mind. Constantly I would pray to take every thought captive so I could focus and learn, and yet it was a moment by moment battle, and it felt like I just wasn't going to win. Then one of my children woke up earlier than usual "needing Mommy."

Really? Not only was my mind at war with me finishing the lesson I got up early to do, but now I was "interrupted" by my child who needed me. "Why can't I get any peace around here?!" I thought to myself. Instantly, I was filled with shame...here I sat, trying to do my Bible reading, and not only could I not maintain focus because of all the thoughts of my "to do list" I was having, but I was feeling annoyed that I got interrupted from "doing something godly" to care for my child. :(

See the irony?! I want to be more like Jesus, and here I was presented with an opportunity to minister to my own little child, and I was bothered because it drew me away from what I thought I should be doing. It was at that heart-breaking moment that I realized anew how broken I really am.

I asked God to please help restore my vision so I could see Him and His calling on my life, instead of my "to do" list of life. I am broken, but not hopeless. I prayed earnestly that He would fill all my many gaps...and right there, during my prayer, I immediately got the image of a mosaic. I LOVE mosaic artwork...I have always been drawn to it. God knew how to whisper to my heart that morning....my gentle Jesus showed me a picture of fractured beauty only He could know would minister to ME! I am fractured pottery, and He is the cement that fills all my gaps, cementing me to His Foundation...He is the most important part of creating the beautiful image of a mosaic! I have beauty because I am made in His Image, but apart from His cement, I'll never be anything but fractured pottery--broken clay. When I allow Him to fill my gaps and hold me tightly to His Foundation--my Rock of Ages--I reflect the workmanship of my Creator God, my best Friend, my Savior, My Beloved, my Redeemer, my Prince of Peace, my Wonderful Counselor, My Shield, My Shelter, My Almighty God, My, My, My...I am my Beloved's and He is mine! O glorious day to be reminded again of His tender loving care. I just had to share.

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