Happy Spring & Easter! It has been such a busy month--the weather, sickness, church activities, Bible study, school, 4H, etc. have all kept us hopping. We’ve had warm weather, snow, rain all in repeated cycles. The other day, we had snow on the daffodills, even.
The girls have been sick with a yucky virus for a couple weeks, but other than the lingering cough, they seem to be on the mend at last! Casey has had it, too, but not as badly. We decided to just observe Spring Break during the girls’ sick weeks, so that gave them plenty of rest and “down time.”
Katie, Anna, and Gracie all participated in the region’s “Awana Games,” where delegate students are chosen from several of the local churches’ Awana Clubs, and the compete against each other in different relay and team games. They all did well. Our church placed 2nd, and Katie (who also helped on another team that didn’t have enough teammates) placed 3rd with that team, so she came home with 2 ribbons.
Everyone is still in our study on Paul and the acts of the apostles, though we’ve all missed the last couple weeks due to sickness. We’re looking forward to getting back to it next week when (Lord willing) everyone is well again.
4H is new to us this year and keeping us busy…Katie is doing baking, and so far has done her lesson on biscuits. Her next lesson is muffins, so she’s looking forward to baking more on her own. Her county fair entry will be either biscuits, muffins, or quickbreads, and she hasn’t decided which to enter yet. Gracie & Anna are doing sewing, and we took a field trip recently to the fabric store, so they could learn about patterns, fabric, etc., and they each chose their project that they’ll sew and present at the county fair. Anna is making a pair of shorts, and Gracie is making a skirt. Everyone is so excited!
This Easter we enjoyed a most lovely Resurrection Sunday with everyone here at our house! It was filled with laughter, fun, sunshine, good weather, good food, bubbles, sidewalk chalk, lots of cousins playing happily, men relaxing and watching TV, and women visiting and enjoying the outdoors with the kiddos. Everyone was in their "Happy Place," I guess you could say...
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