"When I stand before God at the end of my life, I would hope that I would not have a single bit of talent left, and could say, 'I used everything you gave me.'" ~Erma Bombeck


Some goals are ongoing, so I can't have the fun of crossing them off, but the rest will get "the ax," I hope!!

1. Read the Entire Bible through from cover to cover EVERY year.

2. Spend time in God's Word EVERY day.

3. Establish a regular prayer time and habit!

4. Say "I love you" to my husband and children individually more often!

5. Spontaneously hug each member of my house more often!

6. Spend more time just relaxing with my family--at least a few minutes each day!

7. Encourage someone outside of our home each week (phone call, email, letter, etc.)

8. OBSERVE A DAY OF REST on Sundays!

9. Volunteer to help someone with something more often.

10. Memorize the 10 commandments in order and...

11. Teach them to my children

12. Write great-grandparents/aunt, grandparents once a month.

13. Stay with Bible Study Fellowship

14. Take vitamins/supplements faithfully each day.

15. Exercise 3-5 days of each week.

16. Drink more water.

17. Follow nutritional eating plan.

18. Reach healthy goal weight.

19. Floss teeth regularly.

20. Take family walk at least once a week.

21. Go through all of the exercise videos in my house at least ONCE!

22. Go to bed/sleep earlier.

23. Get up before 7:00 (preferably with Casey at 5:30/6, if not earlier)

24. Establish WRITTEN-OUT daily routine and begin following it.

25. Complete sewing repairs.

26. Update this blog regularly.

27. Create one master to-do list.

28. Publish/sell curriculum.

29. Organize desk completely.

30. Remove clutter from each room of the house and...

31. Donate or Sell unwanted/unneeded items

32. Maintain yard better

33. Get rid of one thing per day for 365 days!

34. Complete 15 minutes/day (except Sunday) in each Home Zone

35. Organize photos from tub in garage

36. Display photos in frames around the house

37. Update/do girls' baby books

38. Clean Oven/stove regularly

39. Shampoo carpets once/year

40. Wash Windows twice/year

41. Plan meals before each week begins.

42. Use Crockpot at least twice per week.

43. Master yeast bread making.

44. Teach girls to clean bathroom properly....3 down, 1 to go...

45. Teach girls to wash dishes properly....3 down, 1 to go...

46. Teach big girls to wash clothes properly...3 down, 1 to go....

47. Teach girls to bake something on their own....3 down, 1 to go...

48. Show the girls how to make homemade raviolis.

49. Cook food from at least 20 different countries/cuisines.

50. Teach girls to load dishwasher....3 down, 1 to go...

51. Organize school room more efficiently

52. Complete history timeline

53. Create journals/portfolios for girls

54. Teach the girls the times-tables...3 down, 1 to go...

55. Teach the 23rd Psalm...3 down, 1 to go...

56. Teach the girls how to use the library...3 down, 1 to go...

57. Teach the girls how to use the internet...3 down, 1 to go...

58. Teach the girls the National Anthem...3 down, 1 to go...

59. Make sure the girls know the pledges.

60. Attend a Passover Seder

61. Attend an opera or symphony.

62. Attend a ballet with the girls.

63. Attend a musical.

64. Have a mommy/daughter date with each girl individually once a month.

65. Have a date night with husband at least once a month.

66. Visit local historical attractions.

67. Take a day trip to someplace we haven't been before.

68. Eat something different from my usual fare whenever we go out.

69. Watch at least 30 classic movies on my Netflix list....getting closer! :)

70. Understand World War I.

71. Read ancient history (creation to Greeks).

72. Read one book/article per month on a topic I would like to understand better/learn.

73. Read the Declaration of Independence.

74. Read the Constitution.

75. Take college class(es) for teaching re-certification

76. Study Greek and Latin

77. Tithe each payday.

78. Save $ each payday.

79. Complete budget worksheets for each payday/month.

80. Seek for ways to give to others in need.

81. Teach the girls money management/pay commissions for chores

82. Become debt-free!

83. Make extra money by selling things and putting it in savings and then on debt snowball.


84. Find at least a few minutes of ALONE time per day (not including the bathroom).

85. Read something simply for pleasure!!!

86. Go to the pumpkin patch/corn maze with the kids every fall.

87. Make a cheesecake for the holidays.

88. Host a holiday party/get-together.

89. Get a pedicure.

90. Learn/understand photography and begin practicing!

91. Practice photography with one pic for each letter of the alphabet.

92. Find a hobby I enjoy and develop it.

93. Go to BSU game with Casey.

94. Have "girls weekend" with my sisters/mom.

95. Have a creative/silly/kids night dinner night once a month.

96. Eat fondue more often.

97. Make caramel apples in the fall.

98. Dye my hair to cover up the silver...I don't care anymore! :)

99. Take/post photos of my "Around the World" cuisine tasks and anything else of interest

100. Write a will

101. Listen to music that makes me happy!

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