"When I stand before God at the end of my life, I would hope that I would not have a single bit of talent left, and could say, 'I used everything you gave me.'" ~Erma Bombeck

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Will the REAL me please stand up?

Don't you hate it when you have a great idea then don't follow through? Me, too. I've been trying to write off and on for years in different formats...devotionals, blog attempts, etc. I enjoy writing! I just can't seem to find the right niche for it yet.

And another thing--it seems like most women I know are the amazing homeschool moms who have it all together, make bees-wax candles, can, garden, clean, paint their house, sew, sing in church, juggling it all--and ENJOYING it all!

Then there's me.

I keep patchworking homeschool curriculum to cover the basics, don't usually wear make-up unless I'm leaving the house, and if it wasn't for my crockpot, we might not ever eat on time! I have gained and lost the same weight repeatedly for years, still forget to floss my teeth sometimes, and can never finish a cup of coffee without reheating it several times...

I have tried to be everyone else and have met with dismal failure. I'm no Suzie-Homemaker-Martha-Stewart-Granola-Homeschooling Mom. I'm just me. I think the next half of my life, I'll focus on being the best ME that I can be for the glory of God! I'll never be any of the famous, godly women I so admire, but I can be ME...wife of the most loving, patient husband and mother of 4 pretty maids all in a row. While I am in awe of noble women of the Bible, I identify with Erma Bombeck! I celebrate if I get home from the grocery store with all my kids AND everything on my shopping list!

I think I'm just starting to grasp and believe that I wasn't an accident...God really meant to make me ME--on purpose! Since I can trust Him to know what He's doing, then I think I'll put myself in the Hands of my Maker and see what He designed me to be...who knows? I might be in for a wild ride!

~Blessings & Joy in HIM to you!

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