B.C. was waiting for the day
When God would wash our sins away.
One Holy Night, A.D. began--
And in that moment--God’s Great Plan!
Christ was born for you and me,
And lived to set us captives free.
For by His stripes we are healed;
He is our Savior and our Shield.
A manger from a tree was made,
And into that, the Babe was laid.
Another tree--a fishing boat--
Held our Lord in storms, afloat.
“Peace, be still,” His voice rang out.
He gives us calm amidst our doubt.
Upon a final tree He hung,
His bloody wounds for sinners stung.
Laid in a tomb for just 3 days,
But rose again…Amazing Grace!
So trust in Him--be born anew!
He died for sinners—me and you!
~ © By Shauna M. Webb, 2009
B.C. was waiting for the day
When God would wash our sins away.
One Holy Night, A.D. began--
And in that moment--God’s Great Plan!
Christ was born for you and me,
And lived to set us captives free.
For by His stripes we are healed;
He is our Savior and our Shield.
A manger from a tree was made,
And into that, the Babe was laid.
Another tree--a fishing boat--
Held our Lord in storms, afloat.
“Peace, be still,” His voice rang out.
He gives us calm amidst our doubt.
Upon a final tree He hung,
His bloody wounds for sinners stung.
Laid in a tomb for just 3 days,
But rose again…Amazing Grace!
So trust in Him--be born anew!
He died for sinners—me and you!
~ © By Shauna M. Webb, 2009
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