Well, where to begin...This year's Christmas note reminds me of the movie "The Princess Bride"...it'll take too long to explain, so let me "sum up." :)
Casey has been working at St. Luke's Regional Medical Center as an R.N. in the float pool since Sept. 2008. This fall, however, he applied for a position in the operating room, and was hired for that position! He began his training on Dec. 7 (Pearl Harbor Day), and will begin classes in January. He will have several months of classroom and hands-on training before they "turn him loose," but he is looking forward to getting into "the blood and guts" of nursing. I know he was almost as interested in what the surgeons were doing during my c-sections as he was in the "births"! :) Another lovely change: His schedule has changed so that he has no more mandatory weekends (until they start taking on-call, which won't be for awhile!) Woo Hoo!
Shauna has been busy keeping the home-fires burning....homemaking, homeschooling, etc. Expansion of this would most likely involve my daily "to-do" list, so we'll just leave it at that. :) I am BLESSED and OVERJOYED to be able to be home with our girls, taking part in their daily learning, growth, and maturation! I am privileged to see them take shape before my very eyes!
Katie is 10 and is still very interested in science, history, reading literature, and learning in general. She is enjoying school, especially science and art. She has a true heart for serving others and nurturing, which is so sweet to see! At this point in her life, she would like to be a missionary, school teacher, and wife/mom.
Anna is 8 and very interested in science, as well--but specifically archaeology. She's always reading about discoveries about fossils, collecting rocks, and asking questions about so many different things. Anna has strong leadership skills (her sisters may call it bossing), and so it will be fun to see where that leads her in life. At this point in her life she either wants to be a brain surgeon, archaeologist, or own a candy store! :)
Gracie is 6 1/2 and is such an animal lover!! At any given "free" moment, she can be found searching for, petting, and talking to our cat Mittens. She is a very active and energetic girl, and is genuinely, consistently, and joyfully helpful around the house! She tells me, "I think I need more chores, Mom, because when I don't have enough work to do, I think I get into trouble more..." Wise girl! I'll be happy to oblige her...I wouldn't want her to get into too much mischief. ;)
Bethie is 2! She is busy, happier than she was last month (her after-cold grumpiness lasted quite a while...just ask her sisters), and she's a character! She likes to tease, LOVES to read books...many books--and always seems to have a song in her heart, even if she's singing words about dinner. (But her favorite right now is "Twinkle, Twinkle little Star" and (from Annie) "Tomollow, tomollow, I'll wuf you tomollow...") It's a joy to watch her grow and change, and so sentimental to realize how fast it's all going...
We don't want to blink too much...time is going by so quickly as it is! I once heard a quote: "With [rearing] children, the days may be long, but the years are short!" That is just too true!!! We wanted to get good Christmas pictures taken of the girls this year, but it hasn't happened yet...I'll have to live with that--that and sending cards out late. We've spent more time BEING TOGETHER as a family this year, so I think that "stuff" may just have to wait...
The year has been full of different storms, valleys, and trials in one way or another, but we choose not to dwell on it. God is FAITHFUL--that's all there is to it! We focus on WHO Christmas is about, and WHAT Jesus Christ did for us, and WHY we need a Savior...everything else is just part of the journey to our Eternal Home! Can I get an Amen on that?! ;)
"The angel of the LORD encamps around those who fear him, and he delivers them. Taste and see that the LORD is good; blessed is the man who takes refuge in him. Fear the LORD, you his saints, for those who fear him lack nothing." ~Psalm 34:7-9
With Love and Blessings for a Merry, Merry Christmas!
*The Webb Clan*
Casey, Shauna, Kaitlyn, Annalise, Gracelyn, & Bethany